The Unicorn Tapestries

Tapestry I "The Start of the Hunt." Here you can see three hunters setting out into the forest with their dogs and spears.

Tapestry II "The Unicorn Dips His Horn into the Stream to Rid It of Poison." This goes along with the story of the snake poisoning the stream/lake. Here there are many animals waiting for the unicorn to purify the water so they can drink. The hunters and dogs seem quite content to wait for the unicorn to finish, as well.

Tapestry III "The Unicorn Leaps the Stream." At last the hunters have let the dogs loose and the chase is on!

Tapestry IV "The Unicorn Defends Himself." Unfortunately there is no way the unicorn is going to be caught by these fools. The dog is definitely getting the short end of the deal here.

Tapestry V "The Unicorn is Tamed by the Maiden." Unable to catch it by force, the hunters call in a maiden to employ her charms. This tapestry is damaged, and the only part of the maiden visible is her hand on the unicorn's neck. The woman in view is the maiden's servant.

Tapestry VI "The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle." Thus charmed, the unicorn is killed most cruelly.

Tapestry VII "The Unicorn in Captivity." Back and quite content to be tied, the unicorn is resurrected to his former beauty.
