There are two famous unicorn legends: The Unicorn and the Lake, and The Hunt of the Unicorn. Here they are in short:

The Unicorn and the Lake

A serpent poisoned the lake where all the good animals gathered to drink. They called for the unicorn, who had never before been seen. The unicorn came down out of his mountain home and purified the water with his horn. The good animals were able to drink safely with the unicorn watching over them.

The Hunt of the Unicorn

The hunters decided to hunt for a unicorn. They went into the woods with their horses and hounds but were unable to find one. They came back and found a maiden to be the bait, for a unicorn will approach a beautiful young maiden without fear. The maiden was able to capture the unicorn and the hunters were able to kill it. However, the unicorn was resurrected and remained faithful to the maiden.
