Here is the herd. They understand that you are gentle and pure of heart and are willing to let you take one of them. Click on one of the images below and save it to your hard drive. But remember not to keep them locked up in there. Let run and play or they will waste away in sorrow.

Please do not take more than one of the unicorns. Misfortune and sorrow will follow those who seek more than their share. You have proven worthy to possess a unicorn but if you try to take more than one you will receive Gifts from none of them.

This is Favorene. It is her island we are on. She is the daughter of a rare union: a unicorn and a pegasus. She is the Unicorn of Beauty. Her horn is even more precious than any other unicorn's. Choose her and you will have the Gift of Beauty, a rich gift indeed. But remember, although rare and wonderful, beauty does not last forever. Favorene's Gift cannot grant everlasting beauty.

This is Delight. He is the Unicorn of Youth. Although he is only a colt, he possesses all the wisdom and wonder of a precocious child. His is the Gift of Innocence. Those who partake of his gift will receive the childlike innocence that is all too often lost upon adults. Remember, it is only Innocence that can capture a living unicorn, not beauty, not strength, not knowledge. Delight's Gift is a precious one.

This is Saffire, the Unicorn of Strength. She is wild and fierce and will let none tame her. But with kindness she can be gentled. Her Gift, the Gift of Strength is a powerful one. However, she does not grant Strength to anyone who desires it. It is given when she deems it has been earned: once you have gained her friendship. Although not easy to obtain, Saffire's Gift is worth the effort and her friendship is forever.

This is the Unicorn Lord Halley, the Unicorn of Knowledge. Lord Halley is the leader of the herd, not by strength or charisma, but by his wisdom. His is the Gift of Learning, which does not impart knowledge but rather the capacity for knowledge. Unlike strength and beauty, Lord Halley's Gift is everlasting. Knowledge is the tree of life, and this is the Gift of Lord Halley.

This is Rosela. She is the Unicorn of Love. She is the gentlest and most wary of all the unicorns. Her Gift, the Gift of Love, is the rarest and most precious of all. She, like Saffire, will let none touch her but those she trusts. She will run away at the sight of a stranger. However, with much time and patience, her Gift may be won. Her Gift is the hardest to obtain of all the Gifts, but perhaps the most worthwhile.